Online Entrance Exam For Year 2025 - 2026 is live now. Admissions Open For Year 2025 - 2026 Download DSPI Admission Form For Year 2025 - 2026 Download Joining Instructions For Year 2025 - 2026
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SPI Entrance Examinitaion Crash Course

SPI Entrance Examinitaion Crash Course will start from 27th MARCH 2024 (27/03/2024) in DSPI Chatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Candidates appeared for Xth Board Exam 2024. Facilities provided to the candidates will be:- Complete crash course for SPI Entrance Exam, Study Materials, Accommodation seperate for Boys and Girls, Breakfast and Meals will be provided.
Interested candidates may contact us for additional information by clicking here

SPI/DSPI Entrance Examinitaion Guide Available:

Interested candidates may apply for additional information - Prospectus, Books & C.D. which is available at the cost of 1000/- (Including postal charges) either in cash/in person in DSPI office or by DD drawn in favor of "Director DSPI, Aurangabad", Payable at Aurangabad. Drawn on Nationalised Bank.


SPI/DSPI Entrance Examinitaion Guide Available:

Course Commencement:

The Academic year is divided in 3 terms as under :

I Term – July to October
Diwali Vacation October/November
II Term – Dec to April
III Term – May & June ( Summer Coaching Classes for XII class for NDA preparation)


Selected cadets of DSPI are admitted to P. B. Educational Academy's Y. B. School And Junior College, Aurangabad. They study there in XI & XII standard in Science stream.


Method of Selection:

Written Examination :

The student should secure minimum 60 marks out of total 100 marks to qualify for Interview.

Interview :

The Candidates qualified in the written examination are interviewed just after declaration of result on the same day or next day.

Final Selection :

Merit list of selected students is prepared and informed to the students on telephone and it is followed by a letter.

Fees Structure:

1) Registration for DSPI Admission after qualifying : 

Entrance Examination Offline/Online : ₹ 5000/-

2) Accommodation/Boarding Charges : 

A sum of  ₹ 2500/- pm.

3) mess Charges :

A sum of ₹ 3500/- pm.  (for six months in advance) is required to be paid at the beginning of each term.

4) Tuition Fees :

1st Term - ₹ 35,000/-

2nd Term - ₹ 35,000/-

5) Miscellaneous Fees :

A sum of  ₹ 12,000 /- is charged for one year under which Sports and Games equipment, Bus Service for College, Maintenance charges, wear and tear etc.

6) Security Deposit :

An amount of  ₹ 5,000/- (Refunded if cadet joins any of the Defence Academies).

7) Cadet's Personal Kit Items :

Apart from these dues and deposits, mentioned above cadets have to pay additional money for their Training Visit, Training Aids, Washer man Charges, News papers & Periodical Charges, Internet facilities and College & DSPI Uniforms, Sports Kit, Track Suit, Shoes, belt, name tag, tie etc. ( Approximate ₹ 17,000 /-).

8) Text Books, NDA Books, Dictionary & Stationary : ₹ 7000/-

Total Fees is to be paid in three Parts :

1st  ₹ 70,000 /- at the time of Joining/Admission.

2nd   ₹ 50,000 /- Before Deepavali vacation (In the month of October).

3rd  ₹ 50,000 /- After Deepavali vacation (at the beginning of II Term). 

( 5 % deduction is given if all fees is deposited at the time of admission).

Admission Eligibility :

Educational Qualification:

The students who have passed class X (SSC) or are appeared/appearing in the Board Examination of class X (SSC) and secure a minimum 60% marks in SSC are eligible for admission.

Age Limit :

Only unmarried male candidates between age 14½ years to 16½ can appear in the examination.

Physical Standards :

Height 157 cm, Chest 74 cm and with expansion 79 cm.

Weight 43kg, Eye sight: Normal without color / night blindness.

Documents / Certificates :

  1. Original Mark Statement of 10th Class with 5 Xerox copies.
  2. School / College Leaving Certificate Original with 5 Xerox copies.
  3. Migration / Transfer Certificate Original with 5 Xerox copies. (for CBSE, ICSE students)
  4. Cast Certificate Original with 5 Xerox copies.
  5. Father's / Parent's Income Certificate Original with 3 Xerox copies.
  6. Other Educational / Sports / Competition Certificates Original with 1 Xerox copy.
  7. Latest Passport size Photographs (3x4 Cms) 20 copies.

Clauses :

Security Clause :

An amount of र 10,000/- is required to be paid by the selected candidates as a registration fees. This amount is deducted from the total fees.

Penalty Clause :

In case a Cadet leaves DSPI at his own wish, then complete amount of one Term fees paid for Mess, Hostel, Tuition Fess, Security Deposit will not be refunded.

Other Fees and Expenditure :

SSB Training Fees, Tours / Visits Charges, Landry Services, KIT items Charges, Special Competitive Exam Form Fees, Books Stationery etc, Medical Treatment expenditure will be paid by the parents.

Mode of Payment :

Fees is to be paid through cash / D.D. in favor of Director, DSPI Payable at Aurangabad. Drawn on Nationalised Bank. Cheques will not be accepted.

Refund of Fees :

  1. No Refund of Registration & Admission fee shall he made under any circumstances whatsoever.
  2. Admission of student will be confirmed only after paying र 30,000/- as a Registration Fess.
  3. No refund of Admission Fees, Test fees shall be made under any circumstance whatsoever.
  4. No refund will be made under any circumstances after joining the short term courses.
  5. If any student leaves the Class / Institute on his own wish due to any reason, no refund of fee paid will be made under any circumstances.

Exams :

Students are required to appear to a written test, interview & physical fitness test as follows :-

On receipt of the application form, after scrutiny, eligible candidates are called to appear in entrance Examination to be held in the month of May every year at Aurangabad. The date and place of the exam, Roll No. is intimated in the hall ticket. An "Objective type- Multiple Choice Questions" written test, based on the syllabus of Maharashtra State Board Examination Std. X is conducted including some questions on General knowledge and Current Affairs. Intelligent Test, Reasoning & SRT. Syllabus :

Withdrawal :

The Director, DSPI has the authority to rusticate any cadet and withdraw his name from the roll on any of the following grounds:

  1. Remains ill for a long period and is considered physically unfit to carry on with the daily routine of the Institute.
  2. Involves in ragging activities & is harmful for other cadets inside Hostel.
  3. Consistently fails to secure a minimum of 60% marks in DSPI unit tests or College tests/ examinations.
  4. Fails to maintain DSPI discipline or disobeying given orders and rules.
  5. If Boarding Charges, Fees and other dues are not paid in time by the parents.